Curriculum Planning for the Elementary Music Class

I get a lot of questions about how I structure the music curriculum at Boone Meadow Elementary. This video shows how I make sure my students receive a well rounded music education that includes singing, instruments, moving, dancing, theory and performance, while also connecting music to disciplines like reading, history, art, math, science and technology. It’s a big picture overview rather than a list of specifics, and there’s plenty of room to adjust as the year goes on. Still, I’ve found that starting with an overall plan is a huge help when putting together weekly lessons, and I hope you find something here that you can use as well.

Check out my 2024-2025 music curriculum chart below. You can also press the button to download it as a PowerPoint file and use it as a template for your own curriculum planning!

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  1. Hello Will!

    Is there any chance you would be willing share your curriculum map with me through email? I would love to use this template and change it up as needed for my school. It would be super helpful!

    Thank you,
    Corrie Zazzera

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