2025 Family Folk Dance (Second Grade- Group 2)

On January 14th, 2025, Boone Meadow Elementary’s second grade students and their families came together for a family folk dance. Under the direction of Will Doublestein, parents and siblings learned the following dances from The New England Dancing Masters that students had been working on in class:

1) Old Brass Wagon
2) La Bastringue
3) The Chimes of Dunkirk
4) Galopede
5) Alabama Gal
6) Rural Felicity
7) Sashay the Donut

To better manage the space, families separated into two groups, and you can find videos of each group’s folk dance below.

Group 1: https://youtu.be/AqWJYbSUTIw
Group 2: https://youtu.be/p9Z4IkVU0Us

To learn more about The New England Dancing Master’s teaching philosophy, and to find the entire NEDM library of dances, singing games, activities, resources, recordings, and instructions, please visit www.dancingmasters.comUse code “bowtievideo10” for 10% off your entire order.

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For hundreds more great lesson ideas and notifications of new posts added regularly, make sure you subscribe to BowTieMusic.net and YouTube.com/BowTieMusic.  

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