About Me
My name is Will Doublestein, and I’m an elementary school general music teacher from Indianapolis, IN. In 2013 I started uploading videos to a YouTube channel I named “Bow Tie Music.” At first the channel was intended to be a way of distributing program videos with parents who couldn’t attend their children’s performances. As time went on though it became a record of sorts, not only of my music programs, but also of my other classroom activities. I kept filming, and as recommended by the famous YouTuber Casey Neistat, I decided to “Never. Stop. Posting.” After a few years I developed a library of resources, and I realized that my videos could be a help to other music teachers needing ideas and inspiration. Eventually my audience began to grow, and now I’m privileged to help thousands of music teachers all around the world to reimagine music class and help their students develop a life-long love of music. As an educator, clinician, performer and entrepreneur, I’m thankful for this platform and I hope to use it to help others as so many people have helped me!
What I’m Listening To
If you believe in the mission of Bow Tie Music, and if you'd like to support my work so I can keep doing it for as long as possible, you can send me a tip at buymeacoffee.com/BowTieMusic. I am incredibly honored and grateful that you'd consider sending anything my way!
For hundreds more great lesson ideas and notifications of new posts added regularly, make sure you subscribe to BowTieMusic.net and YouTube.com/BowTieMusic.